Mattress Coil Count vs Coil Quality
Does coil count really play a significant role in the quality of a mattress?
It certainly can, but what is even more important is the quality of that coil. Many modern mattress manufacturers use stiff tempered steel coils that aren’t very flexible. This has led to the need for additional layers of convoluted foams and pillow toppers in order to get a comfortable and conforming sleep surface. The inherent problem in this is that those largely polyurethane foams break down relatively quickly leaving body impressions of up to 1.5” which other manufactures would label as ‘normal wear’. Even in as little as six months!
At European Sleep Design, we use individually encased German innersprings rather than conventional tempered steel coils. The higher carbon content in our German steel means that the coils can be long lasting while still being very flexible. This means they are better able to provide support while reducing pressure on the weight-bearing parts of our bodies like hips and shoulders. And going back to that coil count question, yes, we use a lot of them (over 4600 in our queen Norwegian PF model). The large number of independent springs in all of our ESD mattresses helps to provide very close body mapping. This translates to less pressure on hips and shoulders while still providing excellent support for the natural curve of your spine, which means you will wake feeling none of those aches and pains that were caused by previously sleeping on a saggy conventional style mattress.
In conclusion, while coil count does play a role in the overall comfort and longevity of a mattress, the quality of the coil plays an equal (if not greater) role. Visit us today and discover the difference!